Hier sieht man die Bilder aus dem August 2021, die ich auf meinem Instagram-Account hochlade. Viel Spaß beim Anschauen 🙂
08.10.2021: Today marks the beginning of my year in the US. As a big group, the participants of the young professional CBYX met at the Airport of Frankfurt. Then we boarded our flight to Washington D.C. After our arrival we checked into a nearby hotel and had our first all American Burger. Really tasty 😋
08.11.2021: Today i went with a small group of other PPP People to the Dulles Airport in Washington DC, to travel to our final destinations. My first stop was in Atlanta (Georgia), the world’s largest airport by passenger numbers. Then i flew to my final placement in Tallahassee (Florida). There i was picked up by my hostdad and brought to my college coordinator. Here i will stay some days before i will move to my host family ☺️
08.12.2021: Today i went out for a small sightseeing trip to the downtown of Tallahassee. On the first picture you can see the sweet house I’m living in, with some Agave growing in the front (maybe for Tequila) . Then you can see how most of the trees look like here. So called Living Oaks, covered with the Spanish moss. I went to the Old Capital Building, saw the museum there and went to the New Capitol as well. After that i kinda saw my first alligator here in Florida at the Museum of Florida History xD
08.13.2021: Today was more of an office day. I did some paperwork for a bank account, my student ID and looked all over for a neat car. At the evening i went to a nearby bar with my college coordinator and her boyfriend. I drank some interesting beers there (with all kinds of fruits or even sour beer) Cheers!
08.14.2021: Today i drove to a really really big comic store, because there was a Free Comic Book Day (5 comics for free). After that i spotted some Peperoni growing in a frond yard. In Germany you probably need a small greenhouse for these to grow 😂 and I’m really fascinated by the „Living Oak Trees“. They look like straight out of a jungle, but you are literally in the city center. I also went to a really cheap outlet store. There is this random stuff, but you can get lucky sometimes. You can find a rear doll or a figure and sell it for a high price on ebay. There you pay maximum 3$ (even for a whole bed) but if you’re lucky you get back maybe 100 times of that 🍀
08.15.2021: Some supermarkets here have a really huge amount of different stuff. This for example had so much different fruits and vegetables. I also stumbled upon some really big and really small spiders (big one is a golden silk orb-weaver, it was the size of my whole hand. Small one is a orchard spider, that was more like a little finger nail). To top this nice day we made a bonfire in the evening. That was really relaxing. Unlike in Germany, where you would have to wear long clothes it was warm enough to just sit and enjoy a great talk
08.16.2021: To see lemons growing right on the street is a really uncommon thing for me. Today i went to an american sushi place and there was a hurricane warning for the area of Tallahassee. But it turned out to be only a strong rain. At the end of the day i had to approve a german dish my host cooked. The beer was really German and a new way to eat Sauerkraut with Bratwurst 😂🍺
08/17/21: Here you can see a Chipotle Chicken & Bacon Flatbread Pizza i ordered today. Was really tasty 😋 the rest of the day i spend setting up my new phone number and some other stuff
08/18/21: This is my college for the next semester. TCC = Tallahassee Community College. Today i walked around the campus and bought me a nice pullover 😄 Currently i am eating a different meal every day. Today it was a Bún Đặc Biệt (a vietnamese noodle dish) 😋 and i also drove a American bus for the first time. You can drive around all day and change between the buses for only $1.25/day. And if you want to stop you need to pull on the yellow cable 🛑
08/19/2021: I’m now a holder of a official Florida Drivers License 😄 and i have a Checking Account. That’s basically what I did today. Driving around in an Uber on the way to these appointments 🚘
08/20/2021: It’s Convocation Day today at Tallahassee Community College. It was really great to meet the other international students and fun walking around on campus. I’ve made myself a sweet sign as a souvenir 😄 Today i also got to go to my first Walmart 😂 and to a tasty seafood place nearby
08/21/21: My lunch today was a really great soft shell crab burger 😋 Today I took my new car on a small trip to the beach. We stopped at a aquarium and arrived at St. George Island. We even spotted some dolphins really close to the beach (left side of the picture). On the way back home we looked at a old truck graveyard 🚘
08/22/21: Another day another great lunch 😂 today it was a salmon dish with rice. I also moved in at my host family’s house today. That’s the one in the second picture 😊 that’s where I’ll be living until December
08/23/21: I went with my hostdad to a handbell rehearsal at the local church (Tallahassee has about 250 different Churches). That was something i have never done or seen before. Was a great experience. On the last picture you can see the golden hour in „my“ backyard 🌅
08/24/21: Today i spent most of my time walking through the Alfred B. Maclay Gardens State Park in Tallahassee. What a beautiful hike and garden 🙂 really enjoyed it
08/25/21: Here you can see a typical classroom at my college in Tallahassee. That’s where my Biology Lecture takes place. At home i made some Käsespätzle for my host family 😋
08/26/21: Today i visited the Silver Lake in the Apalachicola National Park. In between classes i went for a hike, i spotted some really beautiful butterflies but no alligators 😀
08/27/21: Tallahassee Museum is a really great place to be. I walked through this „jungle“ today 🙂 This afternoon i stopped by the College Town of Tallahassee 🎓 Afterwards I went to a high school football game. Unfortunately it was stopped due to an incoming storm after only 3 minutes. But that won’t be my last game 😀 catched the mascot of the Thomas County Central Yellow Jackets on the way out 🐝
08/28/21: Today i went to St. Marks for a geocaching tour. On the way i helped this tortoise (or turtle i don’t know 🐢) cross the street. Then I’ve been to another swamp and of course to the nearby ocean (Bald Point State Park) where i slowly burned in the sun. After this long day, i finally found one Geocache hidden in the woods of Ochlockonee River State Park 😄
08/29/21: Here you see the entrance of my neighborhood in Tallahassee. I spent the day with my host family and the dogs 😄 and some of my Biology Lecture books 🤓
08/30/21: I rented a tenor saxophone today and joined the Tallahassee Community City Band 😄 that was a great experience and I’ll need to do some practicing for the next rehearsal 🎷
08/31/21: This is how the weather can be in Tallahassee. Roughly 10min before i made this video, it was a clear sky and sun shine. Then came the rain for 2h, then again sunshine ☀️☔☀️